MacQFE v1.30
MacQFE is a "Front End" for MacQuake. It gathers together your mods and the command line variables for them into neat little sets, and lets you launch them without all that tedious messing around of opening Quake with the option key and typing a command line, dragging folders, or using the console. Once a mod has been set up in MacQFE, you just select it and press the Launch button.
MacQFE v1.30 is the revised update of version 1.21 that fixes a plethora of problems you were probably unaware of. Version 1.21 introduced:
- Support for Network games and Quakeworld, save Shortcuts to your favourite servers!
- More robust checking of file names.
- New options for importing mods.
- GLQuake Special Effects can be controlled (translucent water, mirrors, and corona effects).
Using MacQFE
Install MacQFE anywhere on your hard drive and double-click it to open MacQFE. It will ask to find your Quake application and then search that folder for custom mods and maps. You can add mods manually by opening the folder containing Quake and dragging the mod folders to MacQFE's list of mods. Each mods' settings can be manipulated by double clicking on the name in the list. By cutting and pasting or duplicating in the list window you can make different configurations for the same mod.
Bubble help is active throughout MacQFE and is the best way of learning what everything does.
Read the Help files and a Tutorial on how to use MacQFE with Omicron BotBlasts.
Try It Out
"I'm confident that once you use it, you'll never want to launch a Quake mod any other way."
MacQFE is PPC native, written in REALBasic and uses AppleScript.
MacQFE is Shareware ($10), but is fully functional (there is a reminder to register it each time you use an unregistered copy).
Giles Williams ©1998